Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Long Time, no Posts

So I blame it on the pandemic. School got out in March, figuring out remote learning was challenging to say the least, and the blog was one of the things in my world that suffered. I have been good about Instagram, but not so much here. Anyway here is an update such as it is. Since the beginning of the year I finished 7 robots. 3 rustraks, K, Flybacker and an unnamed one. and Weston #7.


Yet to be named


rustrak family photo
I also got into the Cambridge Art Associations National Prize show for the second time in a row. The worn and tired robot made the cut. Anyway, that's a very short update. I'll try and be better about this now that I have had time for the New Normal to settle in. Be Well All.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Some New Work and CAA Members Show

As I said in my last post, focus is challenging. Below are a few of the new pieces I have cobbled together while I have been thinking about the others that lie unfinished. I love how productive I have been, but also fret a bit over the stuff that needs attention, oh well that's the way I roll.

rustrak #1 & 2

Weston # 7

Ray # 2 got into the Cambridge Art Association Members Show. Details are in the link here. I listed him for sale, which was a tough call. I have 2 "Ray's" but he is one of our favorites so deciding to sell was a bit of a leap, but the house is getting full. Anyway I need to get back to the unfinished bench and make some space. Stay tuned. 

Monday, January 13, 2020

Focus is challenging

As mentioned in the last post, I have 4 projects in process right now, see:

Anyway, there they sit, waiting... I had wanted to try and get these 4 finished rather than start another one, but that didn't happen. Instead, as I was thinking about these, I jumped into another project and cranked this guy out: 

Its a riff on "The Five" Series. Given that, and the fact that I had built the head quite some time ago, it came together rather quickly. Back to the issue of focus though. Art for me has become a real passion which is great. I have always been interested in many things, but never focused on one, yet had a desire for that drive, and now I have it. But within my craft I do tend to bounce around, sometimes its bothersome, but I also tend to think its just how my creative process works. Just some musings on the process, for what its worth. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy 2020 Everyone

Happy New Year all. I must say 2019 was good to me regarding art work. 5 shows, 2 prizes, and 3 sales. Turns out my sales came close to covering my costs, and that is one of my long term goals.
Anyway, with the new year in full swing I'm sitting in the studio looking at 4 projects that need finishing. The biggest of the 4 is a robot based on an old Kodak Slide projector. My hope is that I can get the slide tray/projector to work and be part of the piece, that would be epic! Here is where things stand thus far.    
Figuring the arms out was a trail, but I got thought that and am moving onto the legs. I have a thought but need to do a little more research before I can categorically choose that path. I also did some reorganizing in the studio and swapped out the bench top. The changes make the space feel cleaner and more organized, I am sure that wont last long though! Below are the rest of the unfinished projects, stay tuned and Happy New Year.