Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Another Show!

Well my luck streak is continuing. I just got into a show at The Art Center in Dover NH. The show, Unexpected, starts on the 9th of August. I entered five robots and three made the cut, Ray, FDR, and a yet to be named guy. The opening reception is Saturday August 10 from 6-8, come on by!



Patiently waiting for a name.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Inspiration Strikes

I have a few irons in the fire right now. One, the old slide projector robot I previously posted about, more on that later. Another is a piece I am creating to donate to a charity auction this October for The Nan Project. This is an organization near and ear to my heart. They do amazing work with schools and other organizations around suicide awareness and intervention. Here is that piece:

I am happy with how this is going, and even happier when I had one of those "Ah-Ha" moments while working on it. It was disassembled and in this state when I had my flash of inspiration:

My plan is to use another one of these old Weston Gauges, take out the meter face and seen here, and then build in different insides into it. I think using it this way will allow me more artistic exploration than just building with the meter as is. Stay tuned, I think this will be cool!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

New Piece in the works.

So after finishing up the Tired and worn down robot I jumped right into a new project. This is what I am wrenching on:

The body is an old 35 mm slide projector. One of the ones where it could project on a wall, or show the slide on the screen in front. It was free (junk from work). The head is an oscilloscope camera (love those things). I am already feeling pretty good about the direction this is taking. One thing I am going to try and do is have the finished product actually show slides. The projector is kind of finicky, so that may not pan out, but it would be wicked cool! If it does work I am going to have to carefully consider what kind of slides to find - this could be epic!

Through the Surface Art Opening

The Through the Surface Show at the 6 Bridges Gallery in Maynard runs July 9 - August 13. Opening Reception is July 13th 7:00-9:00. Come on by and see this guy.

Tired and worn down Robot, Finished

I really cranked on this piece, especially after we got back from vacation. I am quite happy with how it came out. It projects a distinct personality, which is important to my work, but I don't think the pictures truly convey the worn down patina that it does in person. Anyway here it is: